In a single operation, Antidote's corrector flags a wide variety of errors: from capitalization and verb agreement to unwelcome commas and .
In a single operation, Antidote's corrector flags a wide variety of errors: from capitalization and verb agreement to unwelcome commas and .Q:
Wordpress Images not Working on Page I created
I have a WordPress Page I have setup, I have all of the thumbnails for the posts and the post titles displayed, but the images and the post images that I have in my theme directory, do not display on the page. I've tried to find a plugin to fix this issue but was unable to locate one. I have been working on this issue for a while now and have had no luck. I would really appreciate the help.
Thank You
Did you upload an image and set it to a featured image and then link the image to the post on the home page?
It would be best to do this when creating a post. In fact if it were me I'd just make the image the featured image in the first place.
This way your images should appear on the front page.
How to debug with adb (adb devices) after uninstalling android studio?
I tried the following in linux:
~$ adb devices
List of devices attached
01D6950A device
~$ adb shell
adb shell input keyevent 82
adb shell input keyevent 82
~$ adb shell input keyevent 82
~$ adb shell input keyevent 82
But I got nothing.
But I can run a program with adb, as I can do it on Android Studio:
~$ adb -e shell am start -n com.android.example/com.example.MyApp --
My question is:
How can I debug with a GUI?
How can I check if there are more devices attached?
The following solved it for me:
Open a terminal (e.g. ubuntu)
Run the following:
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb devices
I found this from here
Photo Gallery
Key points
The risk of developing diabetes increases with weight gain
Getting on a be359ba680
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